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Monday, 30 May 2011@ 2:08 am
Maddie Jane vs Maria Aragon

I'm pretty sure ramai yang notice siapa Maddie Jane or Maria Aragon ni kalau diorang ada facebook & actually paid attention on this kind of thing because mesti ada je kat fb tu yang akan post pasal either of these two amazing girls. Kat facebook Ain ada jugak few people yang post pasal Maddie Jane tapi tak pernah pulak tengok orang post pasal Maria Aragon (or maybe Ain tak perasan). MJ & MA are both very talented girls and both was discovered through youtube (ramai je talented people on youtube nowadays kan). But because these two girls are still so young yet has so many hits on youtube, that's what makes them amazing. Ni video diorang nyanyi 'Price Tag' by Jessis J!



For this covers, Maria lost to Maddie because Maddie ada gila banyak hits on this one. But I personally like Maria punya video more. Actually, I love Maria more sebab she actually look and act her age. Tengok masa dia nyanyi & how her expressions played with the camera is just too cute. While Maddie, Ain suka dia but she looks a little matured for her age (not her fault tho, I know) but dia punya suara ok lagi dari Maria, I'd gotta admit. But entah la, I just like Maria more.

Maria maybe famous because dia dah jumpa Lady Gaga and even sang with her at Gaga's concert. And Maria punya cover of Lady Gaga's Born This Way ada 33 MILLION HITS! Eventhough I'm not a big fan of Gaga, but WOW, sampai 33 millions hit, GILAAA LAAA!

But anyway, Maria Aragon vs Maddie Jane...erm for me, I'd pick...Maria. But then again, tak semua orang ada same opinion kan. It is depends on people, ada suka Maria, ada suka Maddie...for various reasons.



2 avengers commented

Sunday, 29 May 2011@ 10:00 pm
FOODS ; Onion Bagels + Mozarella Cheeseee

Assalammualaikum & hello,
Hari tu pergi Tesco dengan ibu & Kak Nurul. Pastu tetiba Kak Nurul kata "rasa macam nak makan roti cheese." So pergi la section roti2...jumpa la roti cheese...tapi takda 'suitable for vegetarian' la plak kat roti cheese tu (kat sini kalau takde chop 'vegetarian', was2 nak makan makanan tu. Kira kalau ada chop 'vegetarian' tu halal sebab kita sure yang dalam makanan tu takde lemak haiwan or any animals stuff. Because yang vegeterians kat sini, of course la diorang akan pentingkan chop 'vegetarian' tu jugakkan). Pastu Ain ternampak la bagels tengah ada offer, 2 for £2. Teringat la dulu pernah makan bagels letak cheese kat atas, jadi macam ala2 roti cheese la. Bila cakap dengan Kak Nurul pasal bagels tu, she liked the idea. So apa lagi, balik rumah...tak tunggu2 dah, start projek la! Bila bab makan2 ni, Ain memang laju je nak buat!

Sedap bagel brand ni!

Potong bagels in half, sapu butter & tabur cheese ikut suka hati. Pastu bakar atas grill...

TADAAA! Bakar sampai cheese dia jadi brownish macam ni baru sedap! :D
(Pastu lemak dalam badan pon sedap la bertambah! haha)

Senang je! :)



0 avengers commented

@ 1:52 pm
Ke Rumah Baru

Semalam Aunty Kathy pindah rumah. So, ibu tolong masak kari ikan atas permintaan Aunty Kathy untuk upacara makan2 la (my mum...well, bukan nak cakap besar la, but she's quite a pro masak2 kari ni. Orang Penang pon kan). Lepas dah penat angkat, mesti lapar kan (padahal lelaki je yang penat mengangkat)! Walaupun semalam Saturday, tapi still jaga baby Khyra, sebab Aunty Su kena pergi airport nak pick up grandparents Khyra dari Malaysia (belah daddynya pula datang England).

Inilah Aunty Kathy :)

Ibu bersama Aunty Su, sebelum Aunty Su bertolak ke airport.

Ibu dengan Aunty Lynn, sedondong gitu!

Orang2 kuat Stoke. Ada lagi...

Ni haa...Uncle Mastika, penat sangat sampai tertidur atas katil Burberry tu!

Calon2 perempuan melayu terakhir? aha.

Meet my partner of making-funny-faces, my darling Imran!

Even my darling Imran pon couldn't resist nak pegang Khyra! So cute! :D

Budak2 nakal berhingus.

Until next time!


2 avengers commented

Saturday, 28 May 2011@ 2:56 am
7 Day Challenge ; Fifteen facts about me?

[ Day 07 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts ]

01 ; Lahir di Pulau Pinang, kampung belah ibu. Bapak di Pahang.

02 ; Selama yang Ain ingat, Ain & family pernah tinggal di Puchong, Johor & Sepang.

03 ; As of today, Ain dah menetap di England selama 7tahun 1bulan 3minggu & 3hari.

04 ; Masa kat college, I'm the only girl yang ambik course electronic engineering. And also masa kat high school, I did engineering as an added subject dan masa tu pon Ain seorang je girl dalam kelas (ceyhh, bangga la konon). haha. Basically, what I was trying to say is that, I know very well what it's like to be around boys (ehhh chop, boys yang bukan muslim je. huhu).

05; Has a huge interest in working around airplanes (nak jadi aircraft engineer :)).

06 ; Seriously love taking pictures & being in pictures. (Sesiapa yang perlukan photographer or model, boleh hubungi saya di-- amboii, bajet bagus nampak)

07 ; Minat Korean & Japanese stuff since 2005.

08 ; Suka budak2 kecuali 'brats' (yang mengada-ngada terlampau).

09 ; Gila strawberry (sila rujuk kepada gambar diatas) especially cicah dengan chocolate, cream or gula! YUMMEEH! But my favourite fruit of all is MANGGIS, rinduuunya sama manggis!
(7 tahun wa tak makan manggis wo!)

10 ; Suka memeningkan kepala pikir nak pakai baju apa sebelum keluar.
How I dressed myself is very important.

11 ; Lebih selesa pakai baju lelaki lebih dari baju perempuan (selalu curik my dad's sweaters, kalau cakap borrow pon, setahun selepas baru bagi balik).

12 ; Sebelum keluar rumah, mesti percik perfume. I guess it's kinda habit.

13 ; Mudah jatuh cinta dengan lelaki yang pandai bergaya.

14 ; Tak pernah ada true love (takpe2, 21 tahun tu muda lagi!).

15 ; Selama 7 tahun di England ni, tak pernah tak rindu Malaysia.

Sekian, terima kasih.


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0 avengers commented

Friday, 27 May 2011@ 11:38 pm
7 Day Challenge ; They Inspires Me

[ Day 06 - A picture of someone who inspires you ]

Actually, ramai yang inspires me. First of all, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W . Reasonnya teramat la banyak kalau nak tulis, but I'm sure kebanyakkan muslim tau kenapa.

And these are the rest that are on top of my mind right now :

Sir Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin. Bila baca cerita tentang beliau, I was very amazed. Macam mana beliau started from jual cut-out records, sampai la beliau terfikir untuk beli sebuah kapal terbang, a secondhand 747! Walaupun beliau pernah kena arrested, pernah kena blackmailed, tapi jadi juga...bukan millionaire, billionaire! Merata2 ada Virgin brand. Oh dan juga tak lupa, beliau dulu ada penyakit dyslexia, sekolah pon tak berapa pandai katanya, tapi disebabkan beliau ada charm, keunikan tersendiri yang boleh buat beliau berjaya di hari ini.

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them...from the perspective of wanting to live life to the full, I felt that I had to attempt it.

Hyomin Park
Hyomin Park is a member of a korean girl group, T-ARA. Walaupun beliau ni kadang kalanya sexy gitu, tapi Ain sangat suka beliau because she's a very talented girl. Bukan sahaja beliau pandai menyanyi, menari, rap dan berlakon (drama & musical), beliau juga ada fashion & gaya yang tersendiri. Lebih2 lagi sebab beliau suka photography! hehe. Eventhough she always get bullied in Korean shows (biasa la orang2 korean suka buat lawak2, suka main2), she would never get tired of standing up for herself. She's amazing in my eyes.

Heliza Helmi
Ain suka beliau daripada first time Ain tengok beliau dalam Syurga Cinta. Eventhough that was her first movie, she did such a great job on projecting the messages of the story. Dan semenjak dua menjak ni, beliau selalu update status beliau on facebook pasal2 ugama, menarik kita untuk belajar bersama. Beliau juga kerap pakai jubah/dress sekarang ni, I love seeing her appearances! Dan juga lagi satu, sebab Ain pernah jumpa beliau di London dulu, sangat friendly & comel orangnya and hands down I could say she has such a beautiful skin! Masa tu beliau tak pakai make up apa2, tapi kulit beliau nampak sangat gebu. Mungkin kulit beliau tak ada banyak masalah I thought, tapi apa2 pon, Ain nak kulit macam Heliza Helmi and I will work my best to get it!


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0 avengers commented

Thursday, 26 May 2011@ 9:16 pm
7 Day Challenge ; A bracelet that means a world to me

[ Day 05 - A picture of something that means a lot to you ]

Ini bracelet arwah nenek. I chose to keep this because I know I can wear it wherever and I wore this bracelet almost 24/7 because it just means A WORLD to me.


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0 avengers commented

@ 7:47 pm
Kakak yang baik?

Assalammualaikum & hello,

Hmm kenapa Ain rasa Ain ni seorang kakak yang baik? Haha tak bole bla puji diri sendiri, tapi sebenarnya Ain tak sampai hati kalau adik2 minta tolong buat something, Ain akan buat, melainkan Ain nak suruh diorang belajar buat benda tu sendiri. Buatkan makanan selalu la, temankan tidur, temankan stay up, adik yang lelaki selalu suruh main bola dengan dia atau main benda budak2 laki (kalau tak main kesian, tapi selalu malas je nak main dengan dia huhu), adik yang perempuan minta help with dia punya coursework, dan macam2 la. Kadang2 tu ada je yang tak puas hati dengan diorang tapi sebagai kakak, tolong adik2 tu memang ada dalam 'need-to-do-list' kot kan. Kalau tak tolong/ajar diorang, kang diorang kena kutuk, kita jugak terasa.

Lagi satu jadi kakak/abang ni, adik2 selalu looks up to us, selalu nak ikut apa yang kita buat. Ain noticed jugak la, daripada Ain minat Japanese stuff to Korea stuff to Akademi Fantasia to Johan & Zizan, everything I involved myself in, diorang pon mesti akan ambik tahu jugak. Aish.

Baru2 ni adik yg perempuan suruh ambik dia kat skolah, kereta takde kat rumah, tapi kesian punya pasal, jalanlah kaki ambik dia. Tapi best jugak la, exercise. huhu. Cuma lately ni, weather agak sejuk sikit, banyak berangin.

Adik dengan baju sekolahnya. White top, black scarf (yang hijau stripe tu ala2 dia punya colour rumah sekolah), black tie, black blazer and black trousers.

I pon sempat berposing. aha.

But whatever it is, family are someone that we could never ignore. We just can't.


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0 avengers commented

Wednesday, 25 May 2011@ 11:51 pm
7 Day Challenge ; Kenapa minat mereka?

[ Day 03 - A picture of your favourite cast in your favourite show ]

Favourite show? Kalau Korean ramai sangat, hehe, so I'm just going for my favourite American TV show which is 90210! And my favourite cast is Matt Lanter (as Liam Court).

He appeared at the end of Season 1 and since then, I just couldn't stop liking him. At first it was because of his gorgeous face but his characters just drowned me more into him. I love how his character is such a hot-tempered guy but yet so caring. He looks tough on the outside but he's really a sensitive and soft in the inside, someone that needs to be taken care of. He's the kind of guy that you could trust and that if you makes him happy, he'll protect you.
Even more lucky if you're someone very important to him, he'd do anything, ANYTHING for you. His character makes me wondered if that kind of guy really exist. If yes, then I would like one for my boyfriend please. huhu.

[ Day 04 - A picture of your favorite band or artist ]

A Korean boyband 2PM, is by far my favourite artist. Bukan sebab diorang Korean muka jambu ke hape (eh tapi cute la jugak diorang ni), tapi sebab Ain suka diorang punya team work & hard work. They are a group of six but bila diorang performed, they're ONE, they're 2PM. Performance yang diorang perform usually will makes me amazed. Dan masa diorang practice, I could tell that they really put their best into it.

Diorang ni masing2 ada gaya masing2, personaliti masing2 & perangai masing2. Kadang2 tu, punya la lawak bengong diorang ni, sampai kita lupa yang diorang ni A HOT KOREAN IDOLS. haha. And another thing I love about them is their friendship. When one is not well, not happy or feeling unsecure, another will look out for them. When being asked "what is 2PM" to the members, they answered "2PM is brothers", "2PM is family" , "2PM is my life".
Dan Ain agak bangga jadi fans diorang selama 3 tahun ni :)

P.S Orang suruh letak 'a picture', satu gambar je, Ain pergi letak lebih2 plak, hmm ghasak la. hehe.


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0 avengers commented

Monday, 23 May 2011@ 6:30 pm
7 Day Challenge ; Partner In Crime

[Day 02 - A picture of the person you do the most screwed up things with]

On the right is my little sister. Semenjak datang England ni, kami semakin rapat dan Ain tipu la kalau Ain cakap kami tak ada persamaan sebab ada je, cuma tak banyak (ceyh, still berlagak tu haha). Dia seorang yang full of humour (bila dia in a good mood), yang bengong (in a good way) & yang gila (also in a good way). Kenapa dia adalah the person I do the most screwed up things with? Sebab kami selalu kutuk2 orang pastu gelak sama2, sebab kami selalu buli adik & kena marah dengan ibu, sebab kami selalu gelak malam2, selalu nyanyi kuat2 dan kena marah lagi, dan sebab...ahh banyaklah lagi sebab2 yang memang akan kena marah & kadang2 yang buat kami sendiri cakap "Ehh tak baiklah!" kat diri sendiri. Walaupon dia selalu taknak pergi sekolah & selalu malas, but I know dia seorang yang kuat semangat. Walaupon kami banyak je gadoh tapi at the end, we know we just can't stay mad at each other. So, if you're reading this Iba, I just want to say...the opposite way of saying "I hate you". Go figure ;)


P.S She's 5 years younger than me but I sooo look younger! ahaha.


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2 avengers commented

Sunday, 22 May 2011@ 11:53 pm
Why are you so beautiful?

Assalammualaikum & hello,
Siang tadi masa Ain pergi carboot sales, kebetulan ada Horse Show & Equestrian Event going on. Kamera pula ada dalam bag (eh, sayangku mana bole tinggal!), so apa lagi! :) Ain sebenarnya dah lama sangat nak tengok horse show ni. It is actually one of my dream that one day, Ain nak beli satu horse and train dia :) Ceyhhh kalau berangan, memang tak boleh bla! haha.

Di UK ni, kebanyakkan orang yang ada horses ni selalunya yang ada ladang sendiri. Tapi ramai je yang tak ada ladang tapi suka kuda, so diorang beli kuda dan sewa la barn untuk simpan kuda dia tu. Dan kat situ, diorang jaga & train kuda diorang. Macam ada sorang cikgu Ain ni, dia suka sangat kuda, dia ada 2 ekor tapi dia sewa tempat untuk letak kuda dia. Kadang2 tengah belajar, ada jer terselit cerita pasal kuda dia. Sayang sangatla kuda dia! haha. Tapi diorang ni memang hebat la...nak train kuda bukan boleh main2 kan. Kalau kuda tu tak suka, jawapannya kena tendang la orang tu...

Yang hitam ni nampak sangat gagah!

Masa break sekejap, masing2 meluangkan masa dengan kuda masing2.
Little girl ni so cute! :)

Horsey-cow-style ni sangat besar! Tinggi daripada kereta tu! But sangat cute! :)

Ain sebenarnya agak malu nak tangkap gambar dengan kuda2 dan tuan2 kuda, haha, but ibu yang suruh..."pegi la, meh ibu tangkap!" :D
This one is my favourite of all! His name is Symphony and he's so beautiful!

Little cute girl ni yang ride symphony! :)

Good day!

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0 avengers commented

@ 10:58 pm
7 Day Challenge ; They has gotten me through the most

[Day 01 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most]

It won't be a person, because it would be these two people. The most important ones in my life, my mum and my dad. Eventhough they didn't show it in an obvious way but it's so obvious that they're the one that has gotten me through the most because they're always there...they've been there even before I was born.

When I was being a stubborn kid, they got angry and scolded me because they wanted me to be a good person. When I'm lost, they'd try their best to help me. When I'm sad, they'd cheer me up eventhough deep down, their hearts were breaking. When I'm nervous, they'd give me courage.

"Engkau menyambut, tiap kali aku terjatuh.
Andai hari esok, langit akan runtuh, tabahlah menjunjung bersamaku
Andai hari esok, dunia gelora, takkan ku gemuruh selagi ku ada kamu."
-- Ku ada kamu by Adira.

But that's what parents are for and I am very grateful that they are mine.


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0 avengers commented

Saturday, 21 May 2011@ 11:00 pm
OMG he's in London?


OMG HE'S IN LONDON? Sapa sapa? MATT LANTER!!! Sapa tu? Dia pelakon 90210 (US TV Show) as Liam Court and I love his character so very much!!!!!! (exclamation mark tak bole bla!)

Ok Ain, sabar2.


Anyway, awwww why does he have to be in London now? Hmm oh well, even if I'm in London sekarang pon, belum tentu bole jumpa dia kan...and kalau tak ada rezeki nak jumpa dengan dia, tak ada jugak. huhu.

But...mann, he's so cute.



0 avengers commented

@ 10:15 pm
7 Day Challenge ; I'm Gonna Do This

7 Day Picture Challenge

Day 01 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Day 02 - A picture of the person you do the most screwed up things with.

Day 03 - A picture of your favourite cast in your favourite show.

Day 04 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Day 05 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.

Day 06 - A picture of someone who inspires you.

Day 07 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Found this questions on tumblr. Well, it's actually a 30 day challenge but I shorted it down to 7 (suka hati je, huhu) and I'm gonna do this! :)



0 avengers commented

Thursday, 19 May 2011@ 6:15 pm
Her & I

Assalammualaikum & hello,
Hmm kenapa la penat sangat hari ni...dah la lengan kiri terseliuh pagi tadi. Aish. Anyway, semalam pergi date dengan kawan perempuan, eceyh boleh plak cakap date (mentang2 la takde orang nak date dengan dia). Tak la, I had a great day out with my close friend yesterday!

We met up in town, Hanley. Jalan2 kat shopping mall kejap walaupon takdak duit nak shopping tapi sembang punya sembang satu pusingan jugak la sebelum kami decided to go to a cafe kat luar shoppping mall tu...untuk sambung sembang la.

Caffe Nero, terbaikkk. It's our favourite cafe eventhough kat dalam shopping mall tu ada je Costa Coffee & Starbucks tapi cafe yang ini jugak best! :)

Aku & Cappuchino.

My lovely Meryl.

Meryl's little gift for me, from the Philipphines. It's facial stuff from Etude House. Kami ni memang peminat apa2 yang berkaitan dengan Korea. hehe.

Selepas sejam jugak la dalam cafe tu (selagi tak sakit punggok, tak bangun). Kami pergi jalan2 kat park terdekat. Tengah relax2 ambil angin, and then Meryl goes..."I want to go to the cinema." And then Ain tengok dia...lama jugak (sebenarnya purse tertinggal kat atas katil...duit dalam bag ada £5 je)...and then dia kata "I'll treat you!" Bile dengar je tu, Ain pon apa lagi, angkat kaki, bawak dia lari...ke cinema la! hehe.

On the way balik from park tu sempat la jugak kami berposing.
Masa ni letak camera kat atas tong sampah jap, sorry ek my dear kamera.

Bila dah sampai kat cinema tu, terkejut tengok queue punya panjang...mentang2 la Pirates of The Carribean 4 baru keluar! Kami nak tengok Insidous...sebenarnya Meryl yang nak tengok Insidous...Ain tak berapa sanggup sangat la nak tengok cerita hantu di wayang (kalau kat rumah bole je ambik selimut ke cushion ke tutup muka kan), so Ain buat2 la..."I actually wanted to watch Fast & Furious 5 but Insidous is fin-- well, it's a little scary but I guess...well, it's up to you." Cakap berbelit2 supaya dia boleh 're-think' (dah orang nak belanja banyak hal plak!). And then dia kata "Kai Pai Bo (that's rock paper scissors in Korean)..." So kami pon Kai Pai Bo and Ain menang!!!! Pastu rasa bersalah la plak...so Ain suruh dia check kalau still ada seats for Insidious memandangkan kami dah terlewat sikit untuk movie tu, so mungkin seats dah penuh kan. Dia check2, memang seats dah full daaa (time ni, hati agak bersyukur, huhu jahat sungguh)! So Fast & Furious 5 it was! YAY! Tapi Ain takde la jahat mana, Meryl pon actually nak tengok jugak Fast & Furious 5! :)

For Fast & Furious 5, kami ada 25minit jugak sebelum dia start. So semasa menuggu...
Tangkap gambar tiket la...

Tangkap gambar kasut la! My 5 year old Wrangler & Meryl's Toms.

Kalau tak tangkap gambar dalam toilet tak sah! Bukan apa, kena laid low sikit la kat luar tu...kang staff2 nampak camera kan, tak pasal2 ingat nak buat video cetak rompak plak.

Tak dapat tengok, dapat menyamar pon jadi la.

Masa dah nak start tu, biasa la kan ada tunjuk trailer2 movie yang akan keluar. 'Bridesmaids' looks disgusting...tau la diorang masing2 sakit perut...tapi sampai tersembor muntah, buang air besar dalam sink la...eww sungguh.

Anyway, masa Fast & Furious 5 dah nak start, excited gila nih...time tu la plak kaki cramp! Aishh, ni yang menyampah ni! Sebaik duduk seat tepi skali, bole la lunjurkan kaki sikit. huhu.
Pastu nampak Vin Diesel, start dah start dah! Pastu nampak Paul Walker...walaupon dia dah tua tapi tetap WHOOOTTT! haha. The Rock pon ada, ceyh kali ni kita ada dua hero mamat badan besar (The Rock bukan la hero sangat tapi lebih kurang la)! Han pon best...satu team tu la best! Keseluruhan cerita tu sangat best. I don't know why but Ain memang suka tengok Fast & Furious dari 1 sampai 5! No no, bukan sebab Paul Walker je! hehe.

Masa balik tu, I kept saying thank you kat Meryl. And she was like..."Ain, it's no problem! Stop saying thank you! You're my close friend, aren't you?" hehe that's why i love her! :)


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1 avengers commented

Warning : Image heavy in most of my entries.

23 | England | Malaysian

A Muslim | A daughter | A sister | A dreamer | A reader | A writer | A photographer | A chocoholic -- so I had to cut down on this one urgh

"I am a dreamer and I will dream until all these visions in my head are fulfilled."
-- A

| Instagram: captaineverland
| Twitter | Keek : ainssb

Shipping service for Malaysian living in England ; Mira D Services

Where I live
My Photography
Talk About Fashion
Ramadhan in England
Hari Raya in England
Wordless Wednesday
Harry Potter's stuff
Jumpa Retis

The places I've been to:
Lake District

January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 January 2014 March 2014
Thankyou for visiting!
Have a nice day :)

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